Table of Content
General Physiology Basic concepts
- Cell physiology including transportation across cell membrane
- Body fluid compartments, Distribution of
- total body fluid, intracellular and extracellular compartments, major electrolytes and maintenance of homeostasis
- Cell cycle
- Tissue formation, repair Membranes and glands functions Application and implication in nursing
Respiratory system
- Functions of respiratory organs
- Physiology of respiration
- Pulmonary circulation functional features
- Pulmonary ventilation, exchange of gases
- Carriage of oxygen and carbon-dioxide, Exchange of gases in tissue
- Regulation of respiration
- Hypoxia, cyanosis, dyspnea, periodic breathing
- Respiratory changes during exercise
- Application and implication in nursing
Digestive system
- Functions of the organs of digestive tract
- Saliva composition, regulation of secretion and functions of saliva
- Composition and function of gastric juice, mechanism and regulation of gastric secretion
- Composition of pancreatic juice, function, regulation of pancreatic secretion
- Functions of liver, gall bladder and pancreas
- Composition of bile and function
- Secretion and function of small and large intestine
- Movements of alimentary tract
- Digestion in mouth, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, absorption of food
- Application and implications in nursing
Circulatory and Lymphatic system
- Functions of heart, conduction system, cardiac cycle, Stroke volume and cardiac output
- Blood pressure and Pulse
- Circulation principles, factors influencing blood pressure, pulse
- Coronary circulation, Pulmonary and systemic circulation
- Heart rate regulation of heart rate
- Normal value and variations
- Cardiovascular homeostasis in exercise and posture
- Application and implication in nursing
- Blood Functions, Physical characteristics
- Formation of blood cells
- Erythropoiesis Functions of RBC, RBC life cycle
- WBC types, functions
- Platelets Function and production of platelets
- Clotting mechanism of blood, clotting time, bleeding time, PTT
- Hemostasis role of vasoconstriction, platelet plug formation in hemostasis, coagulation factors, intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of coagulation
- Blood groups and types
- Functions of reticuloendothelial system, immunity
- Application in nursing
The Endocrine system
- Functions and hormones of Pineal Gland, Pituitary gland, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Pancreas and Adrenal gland
- Other hormones
- Alterations in disease
- Application and implication in nursing
The Sensory Organs
- Functions of skin
- Vision, hearing, taste and smell Errors of refraction, aging changes Application and implications in nursing
Musculoskeletal system
- Bones Functions, movements of bones of axial and appendicular skeleton, Bone healing
- Joints and joint movements
- Alteration of joint disease
- Properties and Functions of skeletal muscles mechanism of muscle contraction
- Structure and properties of cardiac muscles and smooth muscles
- Application and implication in nursing
Renal system
- Functions of kidney in maintaining homeostasis
- Functions of ureters, bladder and urethra
- Micturition
- Regulation of renal function
- Application and implication in nursing
The Reproductive system
- Female reproductive system Menstrual cycle, function and hormones of ovary, oogenesis, fertilization, implantation, Functions of breast
- Male reproductive system Spermatogenesis, hormones and its functions, semen
- Application and implication in providing nursing care
Nervous system
- Overview of nervous system
- Review of types, structure and functions of neurons
- Nerve impulse
- Review functions of Brain-Medulla, Pons, Cerebrum, Cerebellum
- Sensory and Motor Nervous system Peripheral Nervous system Autonomic Nervous system
- Limbic system and higher mental Functions- Hippocampus, Thalamus, Hypothalamus
- Vestibular apparatus Functions of cranial nerves Autonomic functions
- Physiology of Pain-somatic, visceral and referred
- Reflexes
- CSF formation, composition, circulation of CSF, blood brain barrier and blood CSF barrier
- Application and implication in nursing.
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